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Caturday The Ultimate Cat Celebration

Caturday: The Ultimate Cat Celebration

The History of Caturday

Caturday originated as a Tumblr blog called "The Caturday Tumblr 12" in 2009. It featured both regular cat photos and humorous "LOLcat" images. Caturday posts soon made their way to the Daily What website, and eventually became a beloved weekly tradition.

Caturday Memes

Over the years, Caturday has become synonymous with hilarious cat memes. These memes capture the unique quirks and personalities of our feline friends, bringing joy to millions of people online. From adorable kitten videos to clever puns, Caturday memes have become an essential part of the internet experience.

Whether it's a purring kitten wrapped up in a blanket or a grumpy cat giving you the side-eye, Caturday memes have the power to make us laugh, relax, and appreciate the simple joys of life. So grab your favorite cat, find a cozy spot to cuddle, and get ready to embrace Caturday in all its glory!
